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Craftsman Cues Ltd 51 High Street, Kippax, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS25 7AH, United Kingdom.

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01132 86574401132 865744

Craftsman Cues Ltd 51 High Street, Kippax, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS25 7AH, United Kingdom.

1pc Maximus Precious cue Hand Spliced Ash, Ebony, Pale Moon & Macassar

1pc Maximus Precious cue Hand Spliced Ash, Ebony, Pale Moon & Macassar
1pc Maximus Precious cue Hand Spliced Ash, Ebony, Pale Moon & Macassar - view 11pc Maximus Precious cue Hand Spliced Ash, Ebony, Pale Moon & Macassar - view 21pc Maximus Precious cue Hand Spliced Ash, Ebony, Pale Moon & Macassar - view 31pc Maximus Precious cue Hand Spliced Ash, Ebony, Pale Moon & Macassar - view 41pc Maximus Precious cue Hand Spliced Ash, Ebony, Pale Moon & Macassar - view 51pc Maximus Precious cue Hand Spliced Ash, Ebony, Pale Moon & Macassar - view 61pc Maximus Precious cue Hand Spliced Ash, Ebony, Pale Moon & Macassar - view 7

High quality Ebony & Ash hand made 1pc snooker cue.
Hand spliced selected Ash shaft, spliced with 4 x Ebony splices, 4 additional lower splices of Pale Moon Ebony and finally 4 lower splices of Macassar.

Very time consuming work, with precision splicing with some stunning looking woods.
Fitted with Maximus Precious name plate.

Fitted with S.D end joint for use with extensions (sold separately)

Length 59", Weight 18.5oz, Tip 9.9mm
Balance point 17.25"
Butt diameter 29.8mm
Fitted with brass ferrule & Elk Master tip.

Images show the actual cue for sale.

In Stock, Ready for dispatch. Or visit our cue shop & Try Before You Buy....

