01132 86574401132 865744

Craftsman Cues Ltd 51 High Street, Kippax, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS25 7AH, United Kingdom.

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01132 86574401132 865744

Craftsman Cues Ltd 51 High Street, Kippax, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS25 7AH, United Kingdom.

Molten 3x3 Official Match Basketball size 6

Molten 3x3 Official Match Basketball size 6
Molten 3x3 Official Match Basketball size 6 - view 1Molten 3x3 Official Match Basketball size 6 - view 2

Top of the range FIBA Approved 3x3 Matchball

Size 6

Patented 12 panel Giugiaro design

PU Leather outer material

Official Matchball for the WBBL 3x3 BBC Televised tournament

Nylonwound buytl bladder

Official size and weight

*Inflation: All balls have the correct pressure printed around the valve. Correct ball inflation to maintain a technically superior product.

Note: Over inflation will damage the ball. When inflating the ball with a pump it is critical that the needle is lubricated before insertion.

