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Craftsman Cues Ltd 51 High Street, Kippax, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS25 7AH, United Kingdom.

Takoma Home Dart Wallet / Case by Target

Takoma Home Dart Wallet / Case by Target
Takoma Home Dart Wallet / Case by Target - view 1Takoma Home Dart Wallet / Case by Target - view 2Takoma Home Dart Wallet / Case by Target - view 3

The home version of Takoma, allowing for large storage featuring multiple compartments for flights and accessories as well as enough space to fit 8 sets of darts fully assembled..

A strong EVA material is used to maintain rigidity and give protection to the darts and accessories inside. While inside the wallet, a velvet layer has been added for a soft feel and to be scratch resistant. The darts themselves are held fully assembled with an elastic strap on top to prevent movement inside. The wallet is thick enough to ensure the flights don't become crushed. Also inside the case are two zip locked pouches to hold spare accessories.

