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Craftsman Cues Ltd 51 High Street, Kippax, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS25 7AH, United Kingdom.

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01132 86574401132 865744

Craftsman Cues Ltd 51 High Street, Kippax, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS25 7AH, United Kingdom.

Tungsten Carbide Tip File

Tungsten Carbide Tip File

Shape & dome your tip easily with our new tip file. Made with Tungsten Carbide known for its longevity, means this will last for years. The tip file is 4.5" long and fits nicely in the hand and has the perfect curved profile to shape your tips with ease. Recent tip developments have brought new laminated & harder tips to the market which players seem to love. The Tungsten Carbide tip file will shape any cue tip, any size. Finished in bronze colour

